1 min read

Just one of those days

Happy Monday!

With the holidays behind us, and now into a new year, it’s always time to look forward to a fresh start with a positive attitude. But even with the best intentions, we can still have a “bad day.”

You know, those days where everything seems to be going wrong—the alarm didn’t go off, you stub your toe, your kid drops your toothbrush in the toilet, you left your cell phone at home and so on. But did you know that bad moods can actually be good for you? Yes, there are surprising benefits of sadness. If you’re just overwhelmed with the “bad day blues,” here are a few things I do to help remain calm and regain my emotional equilibrium.

1 – Take a personal break. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and have some “me-time” – read, meditate, pray, think, knit, or just enjoy the moment.

2 – Talk to an encouraging friend. Often, we can only see one part of a situation. A conversation with a friend can help us see a side that we never thought of before, or at the very least help us to realize that whatever we’re facing really isn’t as bad as it seems.

3 – Get some exercise. Physical activity releases endorphins which naturally elevate your mood, and the effects last for hours. Even better? Do it outside. Sunshine and fresh air also produce mood-enhancing effects.

Bad days are an inevitable part of life. But with a few coping mechanisms in your toolkit, and a bit of perspective, you can push through them. After all, remember a good mantra for 2021 is, “take it one day at a time.”

Up and up!

Denise Spalding

502.882.9067 Direct | 502.295.2138 Cell
DeniseS@GoHighNote.com | Certified Woman-Owned Company


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